We rarely have peach and nectarine trees available for sale but we use this collection of peaches and nectarines in our educational, recreational or therapeutic walks here at the farm. Our collection has 22 varieties at this time.
Arctic Supreme Peach
Two-time taste test winner. Large, white flesh, nearly freestone when fully ripe. Red over cream colored skin. Sweet and tangy, fine delicate flavor, firm texture. Peak quality reached a short while after picking. Harvest late July/early August. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Double Jewel Peach
Flowering/fruiting peach for home orchard and landscape. Profuse, showy, double pink flowers. Late blooming, but early harvest-late June. Large, richly flavored, yellow freestone. Self-fruitful. Pat. No. 6410. (Zaiger)
Elberta Peach
Famous yellow freestone. Classic, rich, peach flavor: high-scoring in taste tests. Use fresh, canned, cooked. Ripe late July/early August. Self- fruitful.
Frost™ Peach: Resistant to peach leaf curl (10-year trials at Washington State U.) Delicious yellow freestone. Slight red blush over greenish yellow to yellow skin. Heavy bearing, excellent for canning or eating fresh. July. Showy pink bloom in spring. Self-fruitful.
Indian Free Peach: Taste test winner: one of the all-time highest-rated fruits at Dave Wilson Nursery fruit tastings. Large, firm freestone with crimson and cream-colored flesh. Tart until fully ripe, then highly aromatic with a rich, distinctive flavor. Highly resistant to peach leaf curl. Late season. Another peach needed to pollenize.
Q-1-8 Peach
Peach leaf curl-resistant variety, tested at the WSU research station at Mt. Vernon, Washington. In the Dave Wilson Nursery orchards, the white-fleshed, semi-freestone fruit is sweet and juicy like Babcock, with a more sprightly flavor. Harvest mid to late July. Showy blossoms. Self-fruitful.
O'Henry Peach
Red Baron Peach
Flowering/fruiting. Large, juicy, firm, richly flavored yellow freestone fruit. Showy double red blossoms. Mid-July. Self-fruitful. Pat. No. 4195.
Rio Oso Gem Peach
Favorite late yellow freestone. Large, sweet, rich flavor, like J.H. Hale. Fresh/freeze. Small tree. Showy bloom. Mid-August. Self-fruitful.
Snow Beauty Peach
White-fleshed taste test winner: one of the all time highest-scoring varieties in blind fruit tastings at Dave Wilson Nursery. Low acid, high sugar, tantalizing flavor. Large, very firm, attractive red skin. Harvest early to mid-July. Self-fruitful. Pat. No. 10175. (Zaiger)
Zee Diamond Peach
Large, very firm, yellow clingstone, very productive. Mid-June harvest. Excellent flavor with a good balance of acid and sugar. Self-fruitful. Pat. No. 9673
Arctic Blaze Nectarine
Taste test winner. One of the best of the new low acid white nectarines: rich flavor and firm texture in early season, very sweet when soft ripe. Large size, red and creamy white skin. Harvest mid to late August, after Arctic Queen white nectarine. Self-fruitful. Pat. No. 10174. (Zaiger)
Arctic Jay Nectarine
Taste test winner: best of all fruits at the Dave Wilson Nursery blind tasting in ’96. Very attractive, firm, freestone fruit is richly flavored, with a balance of acid and sugar. Ripens between Arctic Glo and Heavenly White white nectarines. Self-fruitful. Patent pending. (Zaiger)
Arctic Rose White Nectarine
Delicious, super-sweet, white nectarine. Very high-scoring in taste tests. Rich flavor and nice crunchy texture when firm ripe—extremely sweet when soft ripe. Highly recommended for home orchards. Self-fruitful. Pat. No. 7889. (Zaiger)
Double Delight Nectarine
Sensational fruit consistently the best-flavored yellow nectarine–plus magnificent, double pink flowers. Dark red-skinned, freestone fruit is sweet, with unusually rich flavor–very high-scoring in taste tests. Heavy bearing tree. Harvest early to mid July. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Fantasia Nectarine
Popular, large, yellow freestone. Early harvest fruit is firm-ripe and tangy, later harvest is sweet, with rich flavor: high-scoring in taste tests. Late July/early August. Self-fruitful.
Liz’s Late Nectarine
Sprightly-sweet, intense, spicy flavor – the State of the Art in fruit breeding. Late August to early September. Self-fruitful. Pat.No. 9437. (Zaiger)
Panamint Nectarine
Attractive red-skinned yellow freestone. Aromatic, intensely flavored, nice acid-sugar balance. Dependable. Late July/early August. 250 hours. Self-fruitful.
Snow Queen Nectarine
Sweet, juicy, early season white freestone. Late June harvest, 2-3 weeks ahead of Babcock peach. Self-fruitful.
Spice Zee Nectaplum® (nectarine x plum)
The first Nectaplum® from Zaiger Hybrids. SpiceZee packs a pile of amazing fruit into an attractive tree for the home gardener. It is slightly acidic and loaded with sugar giving it a spicy sweet flavor. One can detect both Plum and Nectarine traits with ease. Along with great flavor, Spice Zee is a beautiful ornamental tree with a tremendous spring bloom followed by dark red leaf in the spring that matures to a rich green-red in late summer. This variety is self-fruitful and very productive. (Patent Pending)
Tri-Lite (Peach x Plum hybrid)
A popular and tasty variety. This white-fleshed peach/plum hybrid can be eaten firm. It has a mild, classic flavor with a wonderful plum aftertaste that makes this a unique treat. Early ripening in June. Superior quality canning clingstone.