Our oak tree farm in Napa, California specializes in Coast Live Oaks, Blue Oaks, Cork Oaks, and Valley Oaks—all excellent choices for fire-conscious landscaping. Trees are available from 20 gallon to 400 and up to 9" caliper. Schedule a tour of the trees.
Pomegranates need protection!
Without these metal sacks the rodents hollow out my favorite fruit. From a distance the fruit looks fine but there is a hole in the back and the arils are completely removed. With a mesh sack and a zip tie zero pomegranates were damaged last year. We are starting to bag them for another fantastic harvest this fall!
Large and Larger Oak Trees Ready to Plant at your Place

Fig Trees for Sale
We have about 30 types of fig available right now in tiny and little sizes. Figs are becoming very popular and they are easy to grow in our area. There are basically no pests to deal with ad the trees produce fruit while they are very young. They are usually very fast growing and the fruit is wonderful to eat fresh, dry, process into jam, grill, etc! There are about a half dozen large trees for sale too.
Another Beautiful Oak Tree got a forever HOME